On Wed 24 Apr 2019 at 22:07:33 (-0500), Richard Owlett wrote:
> On 04/24/2019 08:11 PM, Patrick Bartek wrote:
> > On Wed, 24 Apr 2019 12:36:29 -0500
> > Richard Owlett <rowl...@cloud85.net> wrote:
> > 
> > > I'm attempting a very minimal install because:
> > > 1. small size in and of itself is a good goal
> > > 2. fending for oneself is a valuable educational experience compared
> > >      to having everything handed to you on a "golden platter" {Debian's
> > >      default installer}
> > > 
> > > My current experiments revolve around defining my personal take on a
> > > minimal MATE desktop. Part of the motivation is that some recommended
> > > packages clash with ones I wish to use. Just removing offending packages
> > > after the fact is unaesthetic.
> > 
> > If you intend on using MATE or for that matter, any desktop
> > environment, you're not going to get a VERY minimal install. Or even a
> > small install.  I suggest you go with just a window manager.  That's
> > what I did first with Wheezy, then Stretch.
> > 
> > Start with a clean terminal only system, then add X or enough of it to
> > make things work, the window manager, etc. until you've got what you
> > want. Add the applications and utilities that you need.  More work, but
> > you do get a small, efficient system without all the crap an
> > apt-get install MATE would get.
> > 
> No thanks. I wish "...my personal take on a minimal MATE desktop".

Of course you do.

> MATE has features I do not wish to reinvent. There currently exists a
> potential audience for this of EXACTLY one. There are personal goals
> that I won't go into ;}

If you won't reveal your goal, then the help you get here will consist
of handing you information on silver platters so that you don't have
to "fend for yourself".

BTW I agree with Georgios: if you don't install the "Recommends",
you may find that you don't get the functionality you expect.
The only thing guaranteed by installing the "Depends" is that
all the function calls will point at some runnable code rather than
just pointing into thin air.


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