On 04/24/2019 12:54 PM, Georgios wrote:
My minimal install include just installing standard system utilities.

I believe I accomplished that.

I build my system after that without the use of --no-install-recommends.
Its better to install recommended packages for full functionality of the
installed packages.(Just my opinion)

No major disagreement there. However, quoting myself:
fending for oneself is a valuable educational experience compared
to having everything handed to you on a "golden platter" {Debian's
default installer}

My typical install is to accept everything. But this particular install is explicitly for investigating the other end of the spectrum. In the past I have done as many as a dozen full installs to investigate parameters of current interest.
I am retired, one of my hobbies might be said to be installing Debian ;}

ps. Im using xfce and i usually pick the packages i need.

I'm intentionally being a little more extreme.

ps2.Find your network hardware and see if it needs firmware installed.

I know it does not require a proprietary driver.
It is a USB device compatible with both Windows and Debian. My experience is that Debian initially sees it as a "disk" and then the software handling general USB devices downloads "something" from the device. After that it "just works" ;/

Check you
On 4/24/19 8:36 PM, Richard Owlett wrote:
I'm attempting a very minimal install because:
1. small size in and of itself is a good goal
2. fending for oneself is a valuable educational experience compared
    to having everything handed to you on a "golden platter" {Debian's
    default installer}

My current experiments revolve around defining my personal take on a
minimal MATE desktop. Part of the motivation is that some recommended
packages clash with ones I wish to use. Just removing offending packages
after the fact is unaesthetic.

My test machine has both a default install from DVD 1 and my minimalist
install. I had done a standard install without specifying any GUI or
extra packages.

My base setup was installed by doing
   apt-get --no-install-recommends install task-mate-desktop
   apt-get install pluma gparted synaptic

All it lacks is internet connectivity.
I have a WiFi hotspot from T-mobile which I effectively use as a modem
(WiFi is intentionally disabled). On the standard install it appears
eth2 on Network Manager Applet.

I used Synaptic to install network-manager-gnome
The apparent problem is that connecting the hotspot does dot trigger the
"connecting" icon.

How do I determine what else I need to install?
[Recall point #2 in my first paragraph ;]

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