On Thu 25 Apr 2019 at 11:30:56 (+0200), Erik Josefsson wrote:
> Den 2019-04-25 kl. 07:21, skrev David Wright:
> > The only thing guaranteed by installing the "Depends" is that
> > all the function calls will point at some runnable code rather than
> > just pointing into thin air.
> Thin air and deep waters is where I'm at.

(But not in the sense I meant.)

> I'm trying to set up the "tui" [text-based user interface] for the
> [Teres debian laptop].

About which, I know nothing (the hardware or the TUI).

> I think the tui is designed to be quite minimal (hence I post in this
> thread).

Bad choice. Because of the frequency of the OP's subject line, I think
a lot of people will have ignored and delete the entire thread.
I would start a new thread with a subject line that includes teres
and DNS resolution.

> I am surprised that I got iwd to connect to MY_OWN_WIFI:
>         iwctl station wlan0 get-networks
>         iwctl station wlan0 connect MY_OWN_WIFI
> by copying psk file MY_OWN_WIFI.psk from another machine and then by putting 
> it into /var/lib/iwd/ on the Teres debian laptop.

I don't recognise the iwctl command. That's really low-level stuff.

> But it seems I have no DNS resolution (I can use the links-browser to go to 
> web pages by IP numbers, but not by domain names).
> I cannot do apt update. I get a "temporary failure resolving 
> 'deb.debian.org'".
> I'm not sure what exactly I'm asking for here. I guess I need the IP number 
> of a DNS-server that some program can ask where deb.debian.org is located.

What's in /etc/resolv.conf, and what has worked for you in the
past/another machine? For many home users, it's likely just
where that's the address of their router (assuming
*it's* been configured.)


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