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On Monday 17 June 2019, Gene Heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net> was heard 
to say:

> How is that resolved, by unroutable address blocks such 
> as 192.168.xx.xx is now?

Yes, IPv6 does have such allocations. The first 64bits is network 
block, then the last 64bits are your local machine.

fc00:: is the non-routed network. RFC1918 equiv.

fe80:: is the link-local address which is not routed at all, it is 
used solely between your device and the router. Personally, I would 
have combined these two, but when IPv6 was being built they didn't 
ask me.

Your device will always have an address built of its MAC address, with 
FF FE in the middle of it, for every network block including link 
local, like this:

# ifconfig
enp1s0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  broadcast
        inet6 fe80::beae:c5ff:fe66:ec70  prefixlen 64  scopeid 
        inet6 2691:178d:8d80:efd:f92f:91cf:1240:640d  prefixlen 64  
scopeid 0x0<global>
        inet6 2691:178d:8d80:efd:beae:c5ff:fe66:ec70  prefixlen 64  
scopeid 0x0<global>
        ether bc:ae:c5:66:ec:70  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)

These show the three entries which should always exist. The first is 
the link-local address built from the MAC. Second, the allocated 
network from my ISP, with a randomized local address for security 

The third entry is the global network address and the local MAC based 
address. Someone realized broadcasting your MAC address is not 
particularly secure, so the randomized interface address has become 
the norm. This third address is what you would put in your hosts 

> how do the other machines on my local net, advertise their presence 
> to the other machines on my local net. So I can still ssh -Y 
> vna.coyote.den for instance, if I can ever make ssh work to a 
> win-10-home edition box.    

You do so by either making a static fc00:: entry, or by knowing your 
global network you can then just splice on the MAC local address 
since the MAC local doesn't change.

Unfortunately, because DHCP6 is really dynamic, and my ISP changes the 
network blocks every once in a while, having the global network 
entries and MAC local addresses in the hosts file has been a complete 
waste of time.

Having fc00::MAC as a non-routed local RFC1918 default would have been 
sooooo much easier, but no, IPv6 was not designed by network 
engineers. It was designed by old AT&T phone engineers who were 
pissed they were being put out of a job by competition, and wanted to 
curse the world with increased complexity where none was needed.

- -- 
You may my glories and my state dispose,
But not my griefs; still am I king of those.
 --- William Shakespeare, "Richard II"



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