Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 03:02:07PM -0400, songbird wrote:
>>   quick answer install and use xsel instead.
>>   a FYI,  :)
>> # did not work
>> $ xclip -selection clip-board -i list-alpha 
> Your subject header says,
> "Subject: Re: firefox pasting using xclip replaces line ends with spaces"
> I am reporting that here, because your email body does not say what
> the problem is, and there's no telling how the Subject header will be
> altered as the thread progresses.

  the problem is that the file is one item per line
and the file is your basic utf8 or ascii like text
file with [cr][lf]:

$ od -c list-alpha 
0000000   a   c   o   n   i   t   e  \r  \n   a   l   f   a   l   f   a
0000020  \r  \n   a   l   l   i   u   m   s       (   b   l   u   e   ,
0000040       p   u   r   p   l   e   )  \r  \n   a   s   t   e   r   s
0000060       (   p   u   r   p   l   e   ,       w   h   i   t   e   )
0000100  \r  \n   a   s   t   i   b   i   l   e       (   r   e   d   )

  using the xclip command ends up with all of those going into one
blob when i paste it into a firefox editing box on a Xenforum site.

> I cannot reproduce the symptom you describe in the Subject.
> I tested BOTH directions: copying from firefox and pasting with "xclip -o"
> into a terminal, as well as creating an HTML page with a textarea widget,
> and then pasting into that with the mouse, after "xclip -i".

  pasting into a terminal may work just fine.  open up a blog
post or something on a website and it may or may not work.
in the case i was trying to get it to work, well, it didn't so
i had to go look on the web and try to find out what was
going on.  after about an hour of looking i found a recommendation
to try xsel intead and that just worked on the first try.

  so i thought that was worth a post here just in case in the
future someone else has the same issue and goes looking and
maybe they won't have to search a whole hour to get something
that works.

> In both cases, the pasted output retained its newlines.
> The actual HTML I used for the test:
><title>Text area test</title>
><textarea rows="5" cols="80"></textarea>
> My terminal is urxvt (rxvt-unicode).  Relevant package versions
> are indicated below.
> ii  firefox-esr    68.2.0esr-1~deb10u1 amd64        Mozilla Firefox web 
> browser - Extended Support Release (ESR)
> ii  rxvt-unicode   9.22-6              amd64        RXVT-like terminal 
> emulator with Unicode and 256-color support
> ii  xclip          0.13-1              amd64        command line interface to 
> X selections


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