Greg Wooledge wrote:
> I verified it using xclip -o and od.
> wooledg:~$ xclip -o | od -tx1 -An
>  78 78 4e 31 79 0d 0a 7a 7a 71 6e 0d 0a 66 6f 6f
>  20 62 61 72 20 62 61 7a 0d 0a
> As you can see, xclip is definitely retaining the carriage returns
> and newlines.
> I suspect your problem is with this "Xenforum site".  It must be using
> something other than a standard textarea.

  it may be the case.  note i am not posting this to 
fix that other issue i am only posting it for people
who may run into it and think that there is some
fix they can make still using xclip which may be 
possible but i never found it.

  however, for some reason xsel just works.  that is
the only point to my post.

  if you'd like to look at what xsel does different
inside firefox then perhaps that would be interesting
but a complete aside from the point of my initial


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