On Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 04:36:48PM -0400, songbird wrote:
>   the problem is that the file is one item per line
> and the file is your basic utf8 or ascii like text
> file with [cr][lf]:
> $ od -c list-alpha 
> 0000000   a   c   o   n   i   t   e  \r  \n   a   l   f   a   l   f   a
> 0000020  \r  \n   a   l   l   i   u   m   s       (   b   l   u   e   ,
> 0000040       p   u   r   p   l   e   )  \r  \n   a   s   t   e   r   s
> 0000060       (   p   u   r   p   l   e   ,       w   h   i   t   e   )
> 0000100  \r  \n   a   s   t   i   b   i   l   e       (   r   e   d   )
>   using the xclip command ends up with all of those going into one
> blob when i paste it into a firefox editing box on a Xenforum site.

I tested just now with a CR-LF file ("xclip -i bar") and pasted it into
the textarea on the HTML page that I showed in my previous message.

It worked fine.  There are three separate lines in the textarea.  No
sign of the carriage returns, meaning the web browser probably removed

I verified it using xclip -o and od.

wooledg:~$ xclip -o | od -tx1 -An
 78 78 4e 31 79 0d 0a 7a 7a 71 6e 0d 0a 66 6f 6f
 20 62 61 72 20 62 61 7a 0d 0a

As you can see, xclip is definitely retaining the carriage returns
and newlines.

I suspect your problem is with this "Xenforum site".  It must be using
something other than a standard textarea.

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