I asked specifically  for email companies, not webmail  software.
While I respect that for some gmail is both a company providing email services , and one with its own web interface, my goal is the former not the latter . I am not qualified to quiz companies on the interfaces they offer or ask that they change their webmail software for me. Truth be told, if I could use a place like mail2web.com with gmail, that would buy me time. When I tried though google rejected the effort. So, no I am not interested in software, only and specifically email companies. Protonmail would be fine, but the JavaScript they use does not work.

On Tue, 19 Nov 2019, Mark Rousell wrote:

On 19/11/2019 15:59, Karen Lewellen wrote:
while I respect your perspective,  I stated my specific goals because
I know what  could and could not be possibly managed by me.
I smile when  folks tell  me that over time I will not be able to do

To be clear, I'm not saying you can't do it. I am only saying that using
webmail in this way via a shell account is likely to become more
difficult over time. As I also said, however, it is still likely to be
possible with the right webmail software.

So, I know that I can, if I actually get an email provider suggestion
find ways to continue.
I asked for what I specifically needed, not for, no matter how well
intended, what someone else thinks my goal is in this situation.

The link I provided to a list of alternative webmail software almost
certainly does lead you to exactly what I understand you are looking
for: Webmail that will work without relying on Javascript.

As I said, I haven't personally tested any of the webmail software
mentioned in the list but Reco confirmed that SquirrelMail works fine
without needing Javascript and so it should work ok from a text-mode web
browser via your shell account.

All you need to do is find an ISP or other service provider that can
host SquirrelMail for you. As I say, if I understand your requirement
correctly then this should fulfil it.

In addition: Does anyone know if either Horde Imp or Roundcube work well
without Javascript? I'd have thought that, in practice, both of these
are more likely (than SquirrelMail) to be standard offerings from ISPs

Mark Rousell

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