i. have. no. interest. in. finding. webmail software!
Your method does not provide a firm and absolute way of determining the presence of such webmail software. My own method, which is how I checked out Protonmail, involved visiting their webmail interface via a link from their site..and I knew swiftly if it was workable, end of investigation.

On Tue, 19 Nov 2019, Mark Rousell wrote:

On 19/11/2019 18:07, Karen Lewellen wrote:
I asked specifically  for email companies, not webmail  software.

<sigh> I say this in the nicest possible way but you are quite a hard
person to help. :-)

I do understand that you'd like a list of email companies but a list of
webmail software might very well help you find an email company because,
due to your very specific needs, you need to find a company that
actually does host webmail software that works as you need it to. And
only you are in a position to figure out what webmail software works as
you need it.

While I respect that for some gmail is both a company providing email
services , and one with  its own web interface,  my goal is the former
not the latter .

I understand that you want webmail that just works (within your
requirements), just as it used to with Gmail. As I describe above, I
have provided information that really should help you find software (and
then a company) that will do what you need.

I am not qualified to quiz companies on the interfaces they offer  or
ask that they change  their webmail software for me.

Well, you're better qualified than anyone else since only you know
exactly what your exact needs are and what the exact capabilities of
your web browser software are! You don't need to ask anyone to change
their webmail software. But finding out what webmail software works for
you (via, for example, demo accounts) and then asking email service
providers if they host that software should surely be feasible. If you
work with research assistants (as I understand you do from earlier
comments) then they could even help with this, perhaps?

So, no I am not interested in software, only and specifically email
companies.  Protonmail  would be fine, but the JavaScript they use
does not work.

But, as you have experienced, company suggestions alone aren't
necessarily helpful. You also need to know if their software offerings
do what you need. One way or another, you have to get this information
from somewhere. Hence my linking to a list of webmail software giving
you a chance to do some research (alone or perhaps with assistants) to
help yourself in the search for a company.

Mark Rousell

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