Kent West wrote:


Perhaps I have no business posting this here . . . .

I've done business with TigerDirect in the past, but recently they've added a pro-MS banner to their home page. I wrote this note to them, and would encourage other Debianistas who have done business with them to make your feelings known to them also. Note, I realize many (most?) of you aren't anti-Microsoft (unlike myself), but are rather pro-Debian, but the banner just seems -- wrong, somehow, for freedom-loving folks. I'm probably over-reacting (and hopefully this message won't get me in a bunch of killfiles), but it just seems like I should make you folks aware of this.


Message to TigerDirect follows:

I've often come to TigerDirect as one of my first on-line shopping stops, and have been happy with my previous experiences with TigerDirect, but lately I've noticed that on your home page ( you have emblazoned across the top of the page this message: "TigerDirect recommends Microsoft® Windows® XP."

As someone who has an _extreme_ distaste for all things Microsoft, I find this message offensive. I realize you must sell Microsoft products to stay in business, but to openly recommend their products just makes you seem too cozy with MS. It actually crosses my mind when I see this message that Microsoft has probably pressured TigerDirect into making this statement, since I've always held TigerDirect in high regard, thinking you to be more interested in meeting the needs of your customers rather than in hawking a particular vendor's product.

Anyway, the short of it is that while this won't keep me from doing business with TigerDirect, it does reduce your value in my opinion, and whereas previously I probably would have chosen TigerDirect to make my next purchase, I've already decided that my next purchase will not be TigerDirect. There are other reasons for this besides this pro-Microsoft banner, but I thought you should be aware that the pro-MS banner was a significant consideration in this decision.

Thanks for taking time to read this rant.

Did anyone think of sending a CC of their thread replies to Tiger Direct? What would happen if they received email from everyone on this list asking if they had Linux compatible computers? How about a preaddressed form letter that everyone can use........sosmething that could also be sent to other hardware vendors.?

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