on Sat, Dec 13, 2003 at 11:15:07AM -0600, Kent West ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> John Hasler wrote:
> >Terry writes:
> > 
> >
> >>Now, if you are just doing this "in good faith" or making a "best
> >>effort", you're asking for a lawsuit the first time somebody buys your
> >>stuff and can't get the "backalley joe" Linux distro version 0.0.2 to
> >>work with it.  Either that, or you're just going to be giving people
> >>their money-back an awful lot.
> >>   
> >>
> >
> >So you guarantee that it works with a specific version of a specific
> >distribution.  And ship it with that version installed and running.
> > 
> >
> Or to make it even simpler:
>  "Designed for Knoppix 3.3 11-02-2003"
> and include that Knoppix CD without an OS installed. That'd be good
> enough guarantee for me.

I've recommended this (strongly) in the past.  It would be nice to see
HW vendors pick up on this.

It would also be helpful if a HW regression test fram for various
peripherals could be created, automated to the extent possible.  There's
some work toward this (lshw, hdparm, my own system-info script, etc.),
anyone care to mention subsystems and possible tests?


Karsten M. Self <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What Part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?
   We freed Dmitry!        Boycott Adobe!         Repeal the DMCA!

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