Wolfgang Pfeiffer wrote:
 >>Companies like Dell stopped selling Linux based computers because there
was a lack of interest.  But it was funny that I noticed that the same
hardware could be bought for a cheaper price, from them,  when it was
shipped with winblows. Only problem was, and have experienced this, Dell
would not honor their warranty if it was shipped with winblows, and got
formated and Linux installed.

Thanks for letting me know: Do you have details on that?

That is absolutely untrue. I called Dell today and tried (unsuccessfully, of course) to purchase a laptop without Windows. They said it was not possible. I then asked if it would somehow affect the warranty on the hardware if I formatted it and installed Linux. The salesman said it would not affect the warranty. He even verified it with a supervisor. The salesman's name was Ricky. Naturally, I ended up not purchasing the laptop.


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