> You could try downgrading the two library packages explicitly:
> $ apt-get install libtiff5=1.0.10-4 libidn2-0=2.0.5-1

This is what I tried eventually, and it worked, thanks!

> That might result in other errors if doing this breaks versioned
> dependencies from other packages, but it's at least a starting point,
> and worth trying.

It luckily didn’t.

> The real questions are A: how you wound up with these newer versions
> installed in the first place, and B: whether there are similarly "newer
> than anything available in your-configured repos" versions of any
> *other* packages installed.

For A, well, my installation process is like this: use netinst (first I
had tried w/ 10.0, the last time I downloaded 10.2, because who knows,
but it persisted), usual stuff, partitioning (UEFI, rest is ext4, one
LVM vg which includes / and /home, separate /boot in primary partition),
then install, selecting print server, ssh server, and standard packages
(bottom three in tasksel screen).  Then, I reboot and run a script that
basically builds up an ‘apt-get install ...’ command with ~200 pkgs
(ends up installing >4k dependencies).  It uses usual debian stable
repos.  No local .debs, no other repos.  I don’t even use
backports. /etc/apt/preferences is empty.  FWIW, the mentioned
installation command is as follows:

| apt-get install -y apt-transport-https curl cups-bsd dnsutils equivs
| gawk gvfs-bin net-tools netcat-openbsd telnet traceroute bind9utils
| moreutils lftp libpam-cgroup libpam-cgfs bridge-utils qemu rsync
| openssh-server network-manager smartmontools entr docker.io snapd rar
| unrar dunst pasystray i3-wm i3status i3lock xinit libxrandr-dev
| network-manager-gnome dbus-x11 pulseaudio pulseaudio-utils pavucontrol
| alsa-oss alsa-utils alsamixergui pcmanfm ristretto xbacklight feh
| gvfs-backends gvfs-fuse okular cheese gimp gparted libreoffice
| libreoffice-gtk3 libreoffice-gnome mpv simple-scan transmission-gtk
| vokoscreen redshift-gtk suckless-tools laptop-mode-tools xclip xdotool
| xinput libnotify-bin devhelp audacity flameshot xfce4-clipman compton
| dconf-editor wmctrl arandr inkscape pdfsam xarchiver lmms libjansson-dev
| libpoppler-glib-dev libpoppler-private-dev spek praat python3-matplotlib
| python3-numpy python3-scipy python3-matplotlib python3-pandas
| python3-sympy python3-nose texlive-full perl-tk pass pv tmux units vim
| vorbis-tools vorbisgain w3m w3m-el webalizer whois syncthing libnss-mdns
| mailutils mairix mutt mpop msmtp procmail certbot dirmngr youtube-dl
| hugo inotify-tools pandoc fbi ddgr hledger jq djvulibre-bin gitit lynx
| pwgen gnupg2 qemu-utils qemu-system-x86 build-essential cvs git git-cvs
| git-email mercurial python-hglib python-dulwich python-fastimport
| python3-pip quilt rcs subversion autoconf autoconf-archive automake
| bmake libuniversal-isa-perl libimage-exiftool-perl libswitch-perl
| cpanminus liblocal-lib-perl perlbrew python python-pip python3-tk
| python3-venv ipython3 python3-notify2 r-base r-recommended r-doc-info
| r-cran-tidyverse r-cran-rio r-cran-psych ruby bundler ri
| haskell-platform haskell-platform-doc redis-server redis-tools gjs
| libgjs-dev gnome-js-common valac valadoc gnuplot feedgnuplot
| exuberant-ctags gdb strace make-doc gawk-doc apt-doc autoconf-doc
| bash-doc binutils-doc aspell-doc binutils-doc bzip2-doc cvs-doc
| debconf-doc diffutils-doc ffmpeg-doc gdb-doc gettext-doc git-doc
| glibc-doc gmp-doc gnuplot-doc gnutls-doc graphviz-doc grub-doc
| imagemagick-doc libtool-doc m4-doc mailutils-doc make-doc multiboot-doc
| ncurses-doc parted-doc pinentry-doc python-apt-doc python-certbot-doc
| python-doc python-numpy-doc python-setuptools-doc python3-doc
| readline-doc rsyslog-doc sgml-base-doc sharutils-doc sqlite3-doc tar-doc
| vim-doc libgtk-3-doc libcairo2-doc libxaw-doc libx11-doc libxcb-doc
| libglib2.0-doc iproute2-doc libasound2-doc docker-doc
| libreoffice-help-en-us

> Tracking those down and fixing them would definitely be possible, but
> honestly, if this system was installed so recently you're probably
> better off doing the reinstall and hoping whatever error it was doesn't
> happen this time.

I persistently got the same results after reinstalling twice (botched
one trying to use btrfs on root).  I suppose it could be a problem with
Debian reports.  Do you think I should report this as a bug?

In any case, I’ll try to reinstall on a VM in a few days, maybe this is
a temporary issue w/ package archives, or a packaging bug.

İ. Göktuğ Kayaalp / @cadadr / <https://www.gkayaalp.com/>
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