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Le mercredi 12 février 2020 09:00:05 UTC+1, kaye n a écrit :
> Are UEFI updates necessary? What's the smallest allowable size I can make
> for UEFI partition? Or is that not a wise thing to do?

didier@hp-notebook14:~$ df
Sys. de fichiers               blocs de 1K   Utilisé Disponible Uti% Monté sur
/dev/nvme0n1p3                       98304     32169      66135  33% /boot/efi

in my case, (Debian+Win10) already 33MB are used out of a 100MB ESP (EFI) 

> I just figured that the /home partition is where config files of apps are
> kept, correct? And they're just small files?  When I install an app, most
> of it goes into / , and not /home, therefore I usually make /home a
> separate partition and at 2GB only.

/home is basically where personal files are stored by default, including 
personal configurations overriding global configurations (mostly stored in 
For example if you download big files (videos), depending on the software you 
use for that, by default these videos are stored somewhere in /home (maybe in 
Downloads ou Videos subdirectory). On a typical linux personal installation, 
/home is really bigger than /.

I surmise you intend to use the big NTFS partition you created before as a 
common (between Windows and Debian) personal data partition.
- I think in Debian that will be slower than using the /home partition (ntfs-3g 
is a FUSE solution)
- I think that possibly (probably?) you will have problems (authorizations) 
accessing the files created using Debian when you use Windows.

> Windows will automatically create a partition out of the 50GB partition
> that I made for it?

I may be wrong, but I do not think the Microsoft Windows installer will do so: 
it will probably try to create other partitions if there is enough available 
space on your disk 

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