kaye n wrote:
> *The (U)EFI partition seems far to small, I think mine was about 200 MB
> originaly and I extended it to 700 MB, so I was able to make UEFI updates.
> *Are UEFI updates necessary? What's the smallest allowable size I can
> make for UEFI partition? Or is that not a wise thing to do?

UEFI updates are sometimes necessary. My notebook required one recently,
as there was the danger of breaking the USB-C port (the Thunderbolt

The golden rule is "never change a running system", but sometimes you have
to break it: no more (security) updates or danger of breaking of hardware.
New operating systems rely on features in the hardware and fail if not
present or wrong implemented.

> *PXE Boot is booting over network (TFTP) and not want you want.
> *I honestly don't know how I got that because I was not trying to boot
> over network.  Never had this problem installing other distros.

Already answered by Felix Miata: fallback situation from failure in
booting the HDD (respective SSD).

> *Created how? Did you do it yourself prior to beginning installation of
> Debian?*
> I believe I created the GPT partition using GParted from a live USB of
> another distro.
> *That's unusually small for a /home partition.*
> I just figured that the /home partition is where config files of apps are
> kept, correct? And they're just small files?  When I install an app, most
> of it goes into / , and not /home, therefore I usually make /home a
> separate partition and at 2GB only.

Config files are only a small subset of the stored files in your /home. 
Typically your saved e-mails, pictures, videos, documents and more are
stored there (and cache from your browser, but treaded as config files).

> *For the future, you could paste the (relevant part from) the output of
> 'parted -l'.*
> Just curious, never encountered that command before.
> kaye@laptop:~$ parted -l
> bash: parted: command not found

You can install it then: "sudo apt-get install parted"
But I prefer output of "lsblk"; but this is only a matter of taste.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

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