On Mi, 12 feb 20, 09:08:26, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 12, 2020 at 03:01:52PM +0100, Klaus Singvogel wrote:
> > kaye n wrote:
> > > *For the future, you could paste the (relevant part from) the output of
> > > 'parted -l'.*
> > > Just curious, never encountered that command before.
> > > kaye@laptop:~$ parted -l
> > > bash: parted: command not found
> > 
> > You can install it then: "sudo apt-get install parted"
> > But I prefer output of "lsblk"; but this is only a matter of taste.
> lsblk      is nice because it doesn't seem to require root.
In particular 'lsblk -f', especially since output of 'mount' is 
cluttered with lots of other file systems that are not relevant when 
looking at storage.

> fdisk -l   is another choice (requires root, though).
> fdisk was *the* go-to command a few decades back, but it was discouraged
> for a while because it was slow to adopt GPT support.  Current versions
> of fdisk support GPT disk partitioning, so it's back on the acceptable
> list.

The advantage of 'parted -l' vs. 'fdisk -l' (especially in this 
situation) is that it also shows if the partition has a file system and 
what type.

Kind regards,

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