On 2020-03-02, Emanuel Berg <moasenw...@zoho.eu> wrote:
> Can I use mplayer with -loop 0 _but_ with the
> volume not resetting when the file ends and
> begins again?

It would seem a flabbergasting thing that a soft with a thousand flags wouldn't
have one or two to set the volume. What have you tried so far?

 mplayer RainyMood.mp3 -loop 0 -volume 55 &


I can't test this loopy hypothesis as I don't have mplayer installed on
this machine. 

>From the man:

 -volume <-1-100> (also see -af volume)

 Set the startup volume in the mixer, either hardware or software (if
 used with -softvol). A value of -1 (the default) will not change the

Maybe there ain't no way and you'll be obliged to switch to vlc or

"J'ai pour me guérir du jugement des autres toute la distance qui me sépare de
moi." Antonin Artaud

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