(I'm not the OP.)  I wonder if there are any music players that can save a 
(play)list along with a selected volume for each song on the playlist?  (Or 
use a database of songs with volume setting, and then access the database as 
the playlist calls for a song?)

(I'm aware of things (not sure that any are implemented in LInux music 
players) that try to "normalize" the audio by either reviewing the content of 
the entire song or some portion of it and and adjust the volume to be similar  
to the volume of other songs on the playlist, but those don't always work as 
well as I would like.  Something that allowed you to set a volume for each 
song (and maybe even store a list of volume changes for songs that had large 
changes in volume) would be nice.)

On Tuesday, March 03, 2020 05:57:27 AM Curt wrote:
> On 2020-03-02, David Wright <deb...@lionunicorn.co.uk> wrote:
> > $ mplayer -volume 50 -fs -loop 0 -softvol Youtube/Come\ Live\ With\
> > Me-_bVNd_sRlMk.mkv

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