On 2020-03-02, David Wright <deb...@lionunicorn.co.uk> wrote:
> $ mplayer -volume 50 -fs -loop 0 -softvol Youtube/Come\ Live\ With\ 
> Me-_bVNd_sRlMk.mkv
> which sets the volume at 50%, and changed it with / and * whilst
> playing. The volume resets to 50% with each loop.

That's what I would expect and believed was what the OP was asking for,
failing somehow in miraculous fashion to derive the obvious inference
that he's changing the volume during play.

IOW, I misread his post.

I guess it's too much to ask that Emmanuel decide upon a commodious
volume before inducing the loop in order that I might save a little

"J'ai pour me guérir du jugement des autres toute la distance qui me sépare de
moi." Antonin Artaud

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