On 3/2/20 2:19 PM, David Christensen wrote:
> On 2020-03-02 03:28, Tony van der Hoff wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm currently running Buster on a 5 year old GigaByte motherboard with
>> a 10-year old Raid-1 array on 2 500GB disks. Although it is running
>> fine, I'm becoming a bit concerned about the longevity of this
>> storage, so I'm planning to upgrade it to a 500GB or maybe 1TB SSD
>> from Crucial.
>> My plan would be to install the SSD in the cage, and dd the contents
>> of the array onto the SSD. I would then change the BIOS to boot from
>> the SSD, making the RAID array redundant.
>> Can someone please tell me whether this plan is feasible, and what
>> pitfalls I might encounter?
>> Thanks, Tony
> I would suggest doing a fresh install onto a single, fast SSD, keeping
> the system image and your home directory small, and leaving the bulk of
> your data the 500 GB mirror.  Backup, archive, and image religiously
> (especially before you start on this adventure).

+1. Nothing like a fresh install.

Sarunas Burdulis
Systems Administrator, Dartmouth Mathematics

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