On Mon, Mar 02, 2020 at 02:22:45PM -0500, Sarunas Burdulis wrote:
On 3/2/20 2:19 PM, David Christensen wrote:
On 2020-03-02 03:28, Tony van der Hoff wrote:
I'm currently running Buster on a 5 year old GigaByte motherboard with
a 10-year old Raid-1 array on 2 500GB disks. Although it is running
fine, I'm becoming a bit concerned about the longevity of this
storage, so I'm planning to upgrade it to a 500GB or maybe 1TB SSD
from Crucial.

My plan would be to install the SSD in the cage, and dd the contents
of the array onto the SSD. I would then change the BIOS to boot from
the SSD, making the RAID array redundant.

Can someone please tell me whether this plan is feasible, and what
pitfalls I might encounter?

Thanks, Tony

I would suggest doing a fresh install onto a single, fast SSD, keeping
the system image and your home directory small, and leaving the bulk of
your data the 500 GB mirror.  Backup, archive, and image religiously
(especially before you start on this adventure).

+1. Nothing like a fresh install.

-1, unecessary busy work

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