On Saturday, March 07, 2020 09:00:40 AM Curt wrote:

> https://www.hrblock.com/tax-center/support/software/software-tax-filing/whi
> le-filing-software-return/photo-capture/
>  To use photo capture in H&R Block Software products:
>  1. Take a pic of your W-2 with your phone.


> I'm not sure, but maybe you need one (a smartphone) to use the photo
> capture feature. 

Thanks for the reply.

Maybe, but I hope and suspect not.  I do have a smartphone, but the service 
has only text and voice (not data) (a grandfathered T-Mobile account), so I 
suspect I can't send pictures -- well, maybe if I hook up a WAP and then use 
WiFi, but I still think a scanner will make things easier.  (Of course, maybe 
the scanned images won't work either.

And then I'm still left with trying to hand hold the smartphone steady enough 
to get a usable image.  (Something like 20 times -- lots of W2s.)

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