On Mon 09 Mar 2020 at 14:22:12 (-0500), John Hasler wrote:
> David Wright writes:
> > Obviously I'm not giving advice on either (which would probably be
> > illegal)
> It's never illegal to give *free* advice.

Perhaps not, but some might prefer to keep their heads below the
parapet when even citizens' lives rank lower than maintaining
statistics that could affect the economy. Anyway, here is a recent and
an older link for those mystified by my first post in this OT thread:


Because tax submission is not something that's made public, you can
see that there's a difficulty for just any old company to go
ambulance-chasing. OTOH where there's a public record (analogous to
a street accident), it's easier for them to move in:


(I picked that example at random. I've no financial or other interest
in any company. I'd just like the best for people who read this list.)


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