On 2020-03-06, rhkra...@gmail.com <rhkra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Background: I'm trying to do taxes for a few of my friends using H&R Block's 
> free online software (they qualify, as all their income is due to wages).  
> The 
> online software has the ability to automatically read (i.e., OCR) W2s from a 
> picture.  It is inconvenient for me to take the pictures for various reasons 
> (among them, my camera does not have an interface (USB or anything else) to 
> connect to a computer, I have to take the pictures, save them to an SD card, 
> then move them to the computer, and somewhere in the process, crop them so 
> they have a minimal border on all sides, another is setting up the camera on 
> a 
> tripod and aimed at a suitable dark background and held flat).


 To use photo capture in H&R Block Software products:

 1. Take a pic of your W-2 with your phone.
 2. We’ll text you a secure link. You’ll only need internet access to use the 
link — no app required.
 3. Open the link on your phone. 
 4. Follow the on-screen instructions.
 5. Once the upload is done, confirm the data from your W-2 photo upload to
    make sure it’s all correct.

(Phone not included.)

I'm not sure, but maybe you need one (a smartphone) to use the photo
capture feature. (BTW, I use simple-scan, after having used xsane for
many years, and would recommend it, if anyone cared. I was unaware that
it was somehow infra dig for the many purists among us.)

Nous fîmes l'amour longtemps, à la façon des craquements qui se produisent dans
les meubles. Nous fîmes l'amour comme le soleil bat, comme les cercueils
ferment, comme le silence appelle, comme la nuit brille. Et dans nos yeux qui 
jamais ouverts en même temps ne se débattaient rien que nos sorts les plus 
purs. --André Breton

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