On 2020-06-21 21:24, John Hasler wrote:
mick writes:
Barbary pirates, Ottoman Empire enslaved over 2 million Europeans but
you don't see their descendants so much because they were
castrated. It really is not white man bad black man good.

During the same period European serfs were really slaves.  During Roman
and earlier times slavery was a commonplace social institution and the
slaves were other Europeans who had been capture in wars.  Athenian
democracy was supported by slaves working the Athenian silver mines.
Slavery was a universal part of human society throughout almost all of
recorded history and probably for tens of thousands of years before
then.  I doubt that there is a human alive who does not have slave

The tax system recognizes master / slave in employment as to whether you are freelance or employed, it's just a harsh description of relationships.

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