So does htis get a new subject in the list?

Good afternon All

I was interested to read that Flo, the OP, uses separate mail
collection, sendmail and thunderbird. Some of the replies sound like
this is a common practice.

What are the advantages of this set of processes over letting tbird do
it all? - or any other client for that matter?

Would it save me from my fairly regular 'can't find profile' errors?

Original post:
 Subject:       Problem with /var/mail file > 2GB with pop3
Resent-Date:    Thu, 19 Nov 2020 21:52:35 +0000 (UTC)
Date:   Thu, 19 Nov 2020 22:42:53 +0100
From:   Flo <>

I am using Debian Buster, Thunderbird, Sendmail and popa3d to get emails.

The mail files for each account are stored at /var/mail. No it has come
to that point that such a file exceeded 2GB. And 'Get Messages' doesn't
work anymore.

Does anyone know about this issue? Any hints to solve it? I could try a
different pop3 server?

Any help is appreciated.


Keith Bainbridge

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