On Mon, 23 Nov 2020 09:50:34 -0600  John Hasler <jhas...@newsguy.com>

>>  I use Fetchmail to fetch my mail every five minutes from Newsguy.
>> This means that my mail is never on anyone else's server for more
>> than a few minutes.  Fetchmail hands it off to Exim which passes it
>> through Mailagent and Spamassassin and then delivers it to my
>> inbox.  Outgoing mail is delivered to Newsguy by Exim running in
>> smarthost mode (one of the menu choices when installing Exim).  Mail
>> to my domains is forwarded to Newsguy.  I get most of the benefits
>> of running my own email server without having to administer an
>> Internet-facing server.  I have full control of filtering and
>> sorting, can use any MUA, and needn't have a connection up to read
>> or send mail.  Messages I compose while the link is down go out when
>> it comes up.  All my saved mail is right here on my machine where I
>> can look through it at will but no one else can. -- 
>>  John Hasler 
>>  jhas...@newsguy.com
>>  Elmwood, WI USA

Thanks John. For what it is worth, this has just arrived on my laptop;
I saw it on my phone about 4 hours ago, and have been eagerly awaiting
it.  You might have recognised my reference to it about an hour ago.
But re-reading it, I see I over stated the number of processes you use.

Having used gmail & imap for 15 years, I figure I am way past trying to
prevent prying eyes. I have also 'mislaid' my mail here so often, that
I rely on the server much more than I should. I know that is BAD, and
we lost several weeks of mail off gmail earlier this year, but....

I'll give it a go though, as it sounds like reinstating backed up mail
is easier for when I do loose something. Will I get to leaving nothing
out there?   

Can you point me to a simple how-to, please. As I said to another
response, a good URI is an excellent answer.

Next, what is the most efficient way to search 20,000 plus files for a
string of text, especially when the string may omit an adjective?

Thanks again,
From the other side of the Pacific.

Now where has your reply been hiding?


Keith Bainbridge


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