On 2020-12-28 at 18:26, Felix Miata wrote:

> The Wanderer composed on 2020-12-28 17:26 (UTC-0500):
>> Not that I've been able to detect. I obviously can't inspect the
>> inside of the PSU without in-depth surgery, but I did give the
>> capacitors etc. on the motherboard a once-over during the last
>> swap-out, and didn't notice anything apparently out of order.
> IME, the problem with electrolytics was solved a decade or more ago
> by switching motherboards to polys. The PS makers didn't and still
> haven't done that AFAICT. GPU needing both 6 wire and 8 wire
> dedicated power connectors smells like power hunger that an old PS
> with tired caps couldn't handle, notwithstanding its ostensible
> overprovisioning-rated output.

Given that I've already observed different behavior from the system when
the GPU isn't plugged in to power at all, would it still be worth
pursuing this as an angle?

> Most PSes only require 4 screws removed to get the cover off far
> enough to inspect the usual cluster of candidate caps adjacent to
> where most wires feeding out connect to the board.

I'd probably have to disconnect and unmount the PSU to get it far enough
out to remove any such thing, which would be doable but still a pain.

It's also a modular unit, so rather than "wires feeding out" of the PSU
itself there are connector ports, but I imagine that wouldn't make much
difference once it was open.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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