On Sun, 10 Jan 2021 04:44:03 -0800
Peter Ehlert <pe...@sdi-baja.com> wrote:

> On 1/9/21 5:04 PM, John Hasler wrote:
> > Carl Fink writes:
> >> I'm repeating the recommendation I've seen on this very list for
> >> decades.
> > It is an incorrect recommendation.  Upgrading works well and is
> > supported and recommended by Debian.
> sometimes, but not always. I prefer Reinstall, it's painless
> https://wiki.debian.org/DebianUpgrade
> "Performing a release upgrade is not without risk. The upgrade may fail, 
> leaving the system in a non-functioning state. USERS SHOULD BACKUP ALL 
> DATA before attempting a release upgrade"

And you certainly SHOULD BACKUP ALL DATA before reinstalling, unless
the data is on a different disk than you're installing to, I suppose,
but in that case, I assume that you don't need to backup when
upgrading, either. (Of course, you should always be backing up
everything you care about, whatever you're doing.)


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