> I would like to pipe search results to a text processor.
Do you want rendered results or plain HTML ?
In latter case you need ``wget``

> Synaptic led me to "surfraw" and "w3m".
There is also a browser named "lynx".
Not sure which one suits your needs best.
Try them all!

> > richard@defaultinstall:~$ $ w3m -M http://w3m.sourceforge.net
> > bash: $: command not found
"$" is part of your prompt, do not type it

> > richard@defaultinstall:~$ su
> > Password:
> > root@defaultinstall:/home/richard# $ w3m -M http://w3m.sourceforge.net
> > bash: $: command not found
I assume you need to install it i.e
$ sudo apt install w3m
or use Synaptic to install it.

Please read https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch02.en.html

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