On 02/25/2021 07:23 AM, Greg Wooledge wrote:
to...@tuxteam.de (to...@tuxteam.de) wrote:
To expand on that, perhaps

   wget -O - <your URL here> | html2text

tries to make sense of the html (which isn't always possible) and
output some text version of it. The "-O -" tells wget to send its
output to stdout (instead of to a file).

You get html2text from the like-named package, html2text.

There are several other variants on this, depending on what's installed.
One of the most common (oldest) ones is lynx -dump "$url".

Most of the terminal-based web browsers have a similar output mode, I

Blindly copying that line (with appropriate url) gives something very close to where I was heading. I purposely kept my questions narrowly focused to avoid rabbit trails.
More reading to do.
Thank you.

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