On Thu, 25 Feb 2021 07:33:36 -0600
Richard Owlett <rowl...@cloud85.net> wrote:

> > There is also a browser named "lynx".
> > Not sure which one suits your needs best.
> > Try them all!  

There are also links and elinks.
> Can someone recommend a newbie friendly intro to any of them.
> Man pages can be less than "useful: to 1st time user.

Tough. All the tutorials appear to be about getting the programs
installed and using them interactively, as most people will want to do.
Probably only the man pages will give details of the kind of usage you
have in mind.

You can probably persuade curl to do what you want, but admittedly it
is a bit of a beast, with a man page to match. Long ago, DSL routers
would frequently hang in some way, and I wrote a script to reboot mine
when that happened. Naively, I started out with pinging a well-known
site to test connectivity, but it turns out that such routers could
pass ping quite happily while denying other Net access. So the project
escalated, and the final version used curl to pick out particular bits
of text from up to half a dozen pages to confirm all was well.
Unfortunately, the final code was write-only, being full of pipes, *nix
text primitives and assorted brackets, but I'm sure your needs are


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