On Vi, 12 mar 21, 04:38:54, The Wanderer wrote:
> On 2021-03-12 at 03:27, to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
> > On Thu, Mar 11, 2021 at 11:11:16PM -0800, Weaver wrote:
> >> I have never had a Facebook account and never will.
> > We (three?)  are the invisible Internet Underground \o/
> > 
> > [psst. don't tell anyone]
> > 
> > ;-)
> I can go one better than that.
> Unless my memory is failing me, I have only ever visited facebook.com
> once in my life - and that was a mistake, I clicked on a link to
> something that looked interesting without first checking the target domain.
> I decided long, long ago (sometime in the first half of the first decade
> of this century, IIRC) that I didn't trust Facebook - initially because
> it and its embedded ads were a notorious vector for malware, later
> because I just didn't trust it period. I made a conscious decision to
> never risk visiting the site, and with that one exception (for which I
> did have NoScript active) I'm fairly sure I've never broken from that.

When Facebook was in its infancy (at least in my country?) they were 
spamming my e-mail inviting me to join because two co-workers joined 
(and probably gave Facebook access to all their e-mail contacts).

In one of those e-mails, besides the names of the two co-workers and 
some other work related persons Facebook mentioned also the name of an 
acquaintance from my native city with no link (I was aware of) to my 
current workplace. That was creepy enough for me to resist creating an 
account for a very long time.

Eventually I had to give in, because I was being literally forgotten by 
a group of friends that were using Facebook for most of their 
communication (I was the only one without a Facebook account), so I did 
create an account under a fake name, tied to a new webmail address.

For WhatsApp I am "fortunate" enough that it's allowed on the company 
provided mobile phone, so at least I can keep it off my private one. 
I've only managed to "blackmail" some close family and friends to use 
Signal, though many of my (less important, unfortunately) contacts did 
sign up since WhatsApp tried to change their privacy policy, so I'm 
still hopeful.

> I'm not as strongly antipathetic towards the other social-media sites,
> but I still tend not to visit them. I do have a Twitter account
> nowadays, but I rarely visit it, and the number of tweets I've sent out
> is in the low double (or maybe even high single) digits.

Twitter didn't really catch on here, Facebook dominates almost 
completely with it's own share of users + Instagram and WhatsApp. 
Hopefully they'll be split, in which case I just *might* reconsider 
WhatsApp for private use.

Kind regards,

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