On 3/12/21 8:09 AM, Larry Martell wrote:
I did the same thing - I resisted being on FB for a very long time,
but eventually I had to get on because it was how my family was
communicating and I was being left out of the loop. I joined as my dog
only my family knew how to find me. Even to this day I am only
connected to family members.

If they shun or ostracize you for not being on Facebook, they are neither your friends nor your family.

The very first thing I do when taking possession of a computer is to add host table entries to interdict any attempt to access Facebook or Twitter (by mapping them to That way, it becomes impossible for me to be tricked into accessing them by disguised links (I have received such links a number of times).

I have real friends. And a real web site. And list-servers and boards. And a life.


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