>>> Besides the social part of asking *everybody* *else* to switch I'm
>>> also not aware of a viable <something else>. Fortunately most of
>>> the conversations have been moving to WhatsApp (where they are
>>> supposed to be encrypted, at least).
>> W.r.t. something else, I don't know anything comparable to Facebook 
>> (which isn't saying much since I never used Facebook and never
>> looked for something like it), but there are several alternatives to
>> WhatsApp (I'm using Matrix for that).
> https://www.xkcd.com/918/
> Time was that'd have been a serious suggestion, but as
> https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/918:_Google%2B points out,
> it's not an option anymore; Google shut it down (for the general public,
> at least) a couple of years ago.

I was talking about alternatives which don't suffer from the same
underlying problem of centralization.  E.g. Matrix is a *protocol*, with
a Free Software implementation of it available in Debian, so you can run
your own (e.g. as part of FreedomBox), and it can be used to communicate
with users of other Matrix servers as well (using basically the same
model as email), and there are several different clients available, most
of them Free Software as well (and some of them included in Debian).


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