From: Greg Wooledge <>
    Date: Sun, 6 Jun 2021 10:56:59 -0400
> Yu should quote "$1" but otherwise it seems OK.

Fixed.  Thanks.

> How and when do you actually *run* this function? 

Invoked from a telnet console running in LinuxAos on the same machine.
Similar to invoking from a plain text console on another machine on 
the LAN.

(I'm aware that telnet is not secure but the scenario is in a 
Shorewalled system.)

> Is there actually an X session running on :0 at the time?

Always.  LinuxAos is a graphical application.

> Are you trying to run this function from the Linux console *before* you 
> do a startx? 


Now tried this analogue.  Start mousepad from a ssh console on another 
machine on the LAN. 

No dconf-WARNING but this message is spewed.

(mousepad:13080): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:57:15.680: Theme parsing error: 
<data>:2:29: The style property GtkButton:default-border is deprecated 
and shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future version

> Under normal operations, I would expect that you would start your X session 
> first, and then run this mousepad command inside of it.  Then it will 
> simply inherit the DISPLAY variable from the session.  In this case you 
> wouldn't need to specify the display at all.

My conclusion: the ssh process handles something right for dconf.
LinuxAos fails to do that.

If someone has a more specific idea about dconf, it can help.

Thx,                                ... P.

tel: +1 604 670 0140            Bcc: peter at easthope. ca

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