From: Greg Wooledge <>
    Date: Sun, 6 Jun 2021 15:06:03 -0400
> I'm struggling to understand what you've got here.  You're running *two*
> operating systems on the same machine... at the same time? 

In a sense, yes.  See following.

> Does this mean the "LinuxAos" thing is in a virtual machine, or a container, 
> or
> something?
> Is it an application?  Or is it an operating system?

LinuxAOS (special case of UnixAOS) is analogous to DOSBox.

Both are applications in the sense of running on a host system.  The 
application alone appears identical to the system running on native 
hardware.  DOSBox appears as DOS.  LinuxAOS appears as AOS.

> You're running Debian on the actual machine itself, right?  

Correct  Debian 10 on a bare PC.

> And in Debian, you're running an X session, either
> started by startx, or started by some sort of Display Manager?

Lightdm starts at system startup and starts X which runs until Debian 
is shut down.

This is the LAN with your nomenclature.
A  Debian 10 running directly on a bare PC.
B  LinuxAOS subsystem running in Debian on A.
C   OLPC adapted Fedora running on XO 1.5 laptop.

> From host C on the LAN, you ssh into Debian (call that host A).  From
> within the ssh session on host A, you type "met" to run this function?
> And it works.

Correct.  Works fine with "Gtk-WARNING ... Theme parsing error ..." 
emitted repeatedly to the starting ssh console on the laptop.

> And some part of host B is a telnet
> client, and you use this telnet client to login to host A, and again,
> you type "met", but this time it doesn't work?

It does work with repeated warning.  The telnet console in LinuxAos 
connects to localhost, A, and gives the A command line.  There the met 
function starts mousepad successfully and gives the dconf-WARNING 

> Is that the full picture?


Mousepad is started two ways.  Each gives a working mousepad. Each 
gives repeated warnings; B warns about dconf; C warns about Gtk ... 
Theme parsing.

Full warnings in my earlier messages.

Thanks,                ... P.

tel: +1 604 670 0140            Bcc: peter at easthope. ca

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