From: Sascha Silbe <>
    Date: Mon, 07 Jun 2021 11:26:35 +0200
> Have you tried setting the DISPLAY environment variable like the warning
> mentions? That's the standard mechanism for X11 applications to know
> which server to connect to.

Additional observations.

peter@joule:/home/peter$ echo $PATH
peter@joule:/home/peter$ env | grep PATH

PATH exists, is non-empty and env doesn't report it.

peter@joule:/home/peter$ echo $HOME

HOME exists and is empty.

peter@joule:/home/peter$ echo $DISPLAY

DISPLAY exists and is empty.

Yes, this console works better when HOME and DISPLAY are defined 
after starting it.
export HOME="/home/peter/"
export DISPLAY=":0"

Thanks for the various replies,        ... P.

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