
Note :
Sorry Andrei if this message may seem to be wrote directly to you
because in fact it's written to all the "you" around who may feel
concerned. You got a direct reply because I was replying to your
message. Again, this could be something not to be done.

On 2021-06-30 7:58 p.m., Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> On Mi, 30 iun 21, 11:44:42, Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside wrote:
>> Now here's what will amaze you...
>> You can do the same with a computer.
>> Take risk...
>> Make your computer unusable...
> Sure, it's a great learning experience.
>> Type "alias cd=rm -rf"
> In my opinion it's generally a bad idea to post stuff like this, even as 
> joke. There's just too many people blindly copy-pasting commands of the 
> internet.
I know that there's a remote possibility that someone could type this
"only for a try", but at that point it could be the same as saying never
write how to erase the partition table directly with something like
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1024k count=4

There's also a risk someone type a command out of context.

>> Open all the ports and get hacked.
> This can affect others as well, if that computer becomes part of a 
> botnet or whatever, so no, please don't do that if you can help it.
I do understand all of this AND the risk of putting burden on other
(like when you become part of a botnet).

BUT if you read the whole context of my message, instead of going for a
cherrypick then I'm sure you understand the point.

If we are talking about the lack of advancement in research regarding
artificial intelligence used for threat detection and I start talking on
the social theory behind what create the latest rise in the populist and
right wing party. You'll think I'm a bit off, even if there's a link
because most ring wing and populist based party distrust science and
research, so they won't fund it.

When you get too far from the day to day meaning, you start to loose
people, unless they have a interest in the subject. But this also apply
to people who have interest in the subject but want to change their
life, not society.

This also apply to what we see around here.

Ex :

You have the people who build their whole career around computer. For
them something not up to date is a computer that people are missing out
on their responsibility to maintain.

A partition table not setup by the latest standard (they believe in) is
something not done the proper way.

Unix was based on a KISS principle (Keep It Simple Stupid), as we see
with all the small utilities you can pipe on into another, that are
still there without much change after nearly 50 years of existence. All
deviation out of this rule will be seen as problematic. But with all
their rigid thinking and obligation of obeying to model and procedures,
they still prefer using SystemD.

A need for using a antivirus is a non negotiable obligation. You shall
be cursed if you ever lack your obligation of due diligence and cause
harm to other (even unknowingly). The simple fact you may have a virus
make you a person unfit to participate in the global network.

And there's most people on earth who don't give a minute thinking about

Ask any business manager, he doesn't give much interest in his computer
installation, as long one thing goes, what is it ? That the system
permit core operation for the company and profit continue to get in.
That's it, don't care on all the "how, why, etc".

There's a rule that say "Don't change a great team". And it also apply
to computer science. So if your actual partition scheme work for you,
even if it's outdated, continue on.
Unless all your life revolve around computer and what goes with them.

But sorry ! Not everyone is so much interested in getting married with

And even some people who do receive this mailing list may have
absolutely no interest in getting married with silicon.

This seem to be a huge problem that gets over all the time, as soon you
get a group of people who have strong interest in technology. The fact
that their need may be pretty far from most other people need seem to
vanishes and be out of reach for a bit of thinking.

Sorry guys, you are really nice to helping others out, are a mine of
knowledge and have built a great Linux distribution throughout the
years. But by pushing so much on your "system engineer based opinion"
this make people fly away.

I'll repeat a small story about myself.

I use Linux since early 1998-199, started with Slackware 3.3 on a 486.
Would take a night to compile the kernel, so start compilation before
heading to bed.

I compiled hundred of program, importing them from Kali into Debian when
they weren't available or backported some for my personal use. Yes, I
made the choice to prefer having a DEB package than using something
else. This way I get detection of file conflict between software and
other (this is my own choice).

I did a PhD in cognitive science, worked somewhat on the path of Seymour
Papert, even if I didn't develop a whole language like Logo. He's a
wonderful men with a genius mind.

I usually get pretty good at finding solution to my problem, using
differential diagnosis technique to pin point the area where something
went wrong, have a computer only for diagnosis purpose... So I may
qualify for a the term power user.

I do programming in C/C++/Ada... but I'm not so fast, I don't say I'm a
programmer. I also used some other esoteric language.


If I ask for help regarding something pretty simple, in my example,
using grub with a BIOS boot partition on a GPT drive with a non UEFI

And get told that I'm wrong using this specific way of doing partition
because "come on there's no sense of using different partition for the
use you made. create one for /etc and you'll at least get real problem".
Which is something I didn't do, there's no use of creating a partition
for /etc and understood the irony behind that comment.

Still, this won't leave me with a feeling of being helped.

And honestly, I finally curved in and made the choice to post-pone this

Asked myself what did this mailing list gave me.

Got the answer that I could use it to search other peoples problem for
my own solution if a problem arise.

But I didn't take the most optimized route because I would have removed
my email account used for this and unsubscribe. Simply using the web
archive would give the same result for what I expect.

As time passed by, I was wondering if I could unsubscribe all of them at
once as it would be a bit long to do so, one by one.

I saw question passed, seeing I may have answer for some people, I
answered their question, the best I could. Specifying context of each of
my intervention.

And we got back to what I stated earlier.

So people who only see the possible solution as the ones who respect the
specified list of rules they believe, intervened and stated it was f****
wrong. Why ?

If someone knowingly accept a solution that may have more risk but this
is acceptable to them, why couldn't they ? Maybe the fact this solution
is easy will be the reason they've chose it.

Not everyone has the benefits, reason or lifestyle that pushes them to
obey to the standard of "optimized, latest algorithm, latest etc...".
And people have their reason, that's them, not you.

Sorry Andrei if this message may seem to be wrote directly to you
because in fact it's written to all the "you" around who may feel
concerned. You got a direct reply because I was replying to your
message. Again, this could be something not to be done.

Again, thanks all of you for the good work and for all the Debian
developers, packagers and writer of bug report around, great work thru
all those years.

> Kind regards,
> Andrei


Polyna-Maude R.-Summerside
-Be smart, Be wise, Support opensource development

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