
On 2021-06-30 11:59 a.m., Dan Ritter wrote:
> Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside wrote: 
>> Now here's what will amaze you...
>> You can do the same with a computer.
>> Take risk...
>> Make your computer unusable...
>> Type "alias cd=rm -rf"
>> Open all the ports and get hacked.
>> Open all the ports and not get hacked.
>> Take risk and loose not much because you don't care...
>> Choose unsafe configuration.
> I endorse this as best practice for my competitors.
> For people that I consider part of my community, I feel a higher
> standard of care is in order.
Haven't you ever tried to think of computing as a "no risk involved"
possibility ?

If I accept that I may risk rendering the system unusable and requiring
a re-install BUT I can assume this risk and learn from this ?

Why should you never learned something because it just went bad ?

I feel like there's some quasi religious mentality that :
1. Must always obey to the latest standard / RFC / way of doing things.
2. If we can win a millisecond then everything is worth getting this
poor millisecond.
3. Unix is SERIOUS stuff, even if you use it only for web surfing, if
you have the technical knowledge then you must ensure it's safe.
4. It's optimized.
5. It's up to date.
6. Follow the "guidelines".
7. You collect metrics and review them to prevent anything bad from
8. You only used limited sudo possibility (in case someone hack into
your box).
9. You must care about your own data (which you don't really care,
except some family photo that you backup on Google Drive) like it if was
client user's data.
10. Use error correction ram.
11. Have a kernel optimized with the good type of scheduling for your work.
12. Leave the less port possible open (sacred).

Why can't it be also fun ?

Maybe more user would have some interest in Debian and stop praying for
Ubuntu. And this, I'd love for it to happens. Because I don't understand
why a derivative or fork could be better than the sweet original.

Let's make Debian happy and fun ?
Doesn't mean we can't have some serious stuff roasting underneath !
> -dsr-

Polyna-Maude R.-Summerside
-Be smart, Be wise, Support opensource development

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