On Sun 17 Oct 2021 at 17:12:54 (-0400), Cmdte Alpha Tigre Z wrote:

> I was trying to set up the keyboard for the whole system
> with "localectl set-x11-keymap pc105 us altgr-intl".  Before
> that, it did not have the altgr-intl variant.

On account of having run Debian a long time, I set up my keyboard
using   dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration, so I have no
experience of running localectl. However, the man page says:

 set-x11-keymap LAYOUT [MODEL [VARIANT [OPTIONS]]]
     Set the system default keyboard mapping for X11 and the virtual
     console. This takes a keyboard mapping name (such as "de" or
     "us"), and possibly a model, variant, and options, see kbd(4) for
     details. Unless --no-convert is passed, the selected setting is
     also applied as the system console keyboard mapping, after
     converting it to the closest matching console keyboard mapping.

So might it be worth trying:

  localectl set-x11-keymap us pc105 altgr-intl

> Later, I removed the "altgr-intl" option from "/etc/default/keyboard"
> and rebooted, and voilá... everything was back to normal and
> SDDM showed up at the end of the boot process.

Could you post the contents of /etc/default/keyboard after
running each of the commands above. (It seems pointless for me to try
to see the effects, as I don't use a DE, DM or "greeter".)


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