
El mié, 20 oct 2021 a las 23:38, Cmdte Alpha Tigre Z
(<santiagopi...@gmail.com>) escribió:
> Just after updating Debian to 10.11, the problem was solved.
> Now I can set up the keyboard system-wide correctly,
> and SDDM is starting as expected.  Thanks again,
> Mr. Cater.

I have some bad news, it is happening again.  Now, the problem is not
the keyboard; instead, if I change from virtual terminal (VT) 7 to 1 pressing
Ctrl + Alt + F1 before SDDM finishes loading, then when I come back
to VT 7 it gets stuck again.

I saw the logs with "journalctl -xe" and the messages are the same,
"sddm-helper" can not connect to display :0 of the X server,
or any display and it returns with an error.  The "systemd" session
for "sddm" is stopped and the VT 7 only has a black screen and a cursor;
SDDM itself and the X server is still running.

What do you think?  Should I report this as a bug?

Well, thanks for your time and help.

Have a nice day.

Time zone: GMT-4

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