On Wed 20 Oct 2021 at 23:38:05 (-0400), Cmdte Alpha Tigre Z wrote:

> Just after updating Debian to 10.11, the problem was solved.

Good to hear, but sorry it didn't stick. Your next post looks all
to do with DEs and greeters, so out of my experience.

> I tried "dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration" and I have to admit
> it was much easier to use.  It has very well explained steps with full
> keyboard configuration and a straightforward selection process
> among the options.
> Unfortunately, it did not work on the virtual terminal, only on the
> X Window System.

That may depend on whether you ran it on a "real" VC (rather an
oxymoron) or on an Alt-Ctrl-Fn console reached from X. I've
certainly had aspects not work when run in the latter manner,
particularly /etc/console-setup/remap.inc stuff IIRC.

> "localectl" also sets some configuration
> in "/etc/vconsole.conf" but it does not work either.

I've never seen that file, and running localectl didn't create it
either. This part of systemd is as yet unexplored by me. I can only
keep up with a certain amount of change at one time.

> However,
> one of the last steps in the keyboard-configuration
> of dpkg-reconfigure suggested that I could use the keys combination
> Ctrl + . (period) as a compose key (no matter whether I chose
> another key as a compose key); thanks to that, I can now write
> accented letters in the console.

Well, that came as a surprise to me.


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