On Sun, 24 Oct 2021 20:44:57 +0100
Richmond <richm...@criptext.com> wrote:

Hello Richmond,

>How do I get Choqok Version 1.7.0 04-Feb-2020 which contains this
>important change: Twitter: update char limit to 280?
>I am using Debian 10.

Any of;
 Temporarily add bullseye repo and install choqok 1.7.0
 Upgrade you whole Debian install to 11 - Bullseye
 d/l the 1.7.0 package from a Debian repo and install with dpkg

Be advised;
Choqok 1.7.0 may have dependencies that cannot be properly satisfied in
Debian 10, so anything other than 'upgrade to 11' may result in system 
breakage.  In which case you, the lucky user, get to keep all the parts.

 Regards  _
         / )      "The blindingly obvious is never immediately apparent"
        / _)rad   "Is it only me that has a working delete key?"
Never much liked playing there anyway
Banned From The Roxy - Crass

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