didier gaumet <didier.gau...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hello,
> (Bullseye here)
> 1) I have not been able to install an appstream version Choqok via
> Gnome-Software (it complains about the item type being not managed) nor
> Plasma-Discover (it complains about a missing appstream transport
> protocol for apt)
> 2) I have been able to install an appstream version of choqok by using
> the CLI command appstreamcli in a terminal:
> verify that the appstream package is installed (if Gnome-Software is
> installed, appstream is installed as a dependency) 
> verify the status of appstream:
>  didier@hp-notebook14:~$ appstreamcli status
> will inform you if the cache has been populated (if not, an
> 'appstreamcli refresh' command would probably do the trick)
> search appstream info for choqok:
>  didier@hp-notebook14:~$ appstreamcli s choqok
> Identificateur: org.kde.choqok.desktop [desktop-application]
> Nom: Choqok
> Résumé: Client de microblogage
> Paquet: choqok
> Page d’accueil: https://choqok.kde.org/
> Icône: choqok_choqok.png
> install Choqok (I do not know well appstream operations, the get
> operation is probably not needed)
>  didier@hp-notebook14:~$ appstreamcli get org.kde.choqok.desktop
> Identificateur: org.kde.choqok.desktop [desktop-application]
> Nom: Choqok
> Résumé: Client de microblogage
> Paquet: choqok
> Page d’accueil: https://choqok.kde.org/
> Icône: choqok_choqok.png
>  didier@hp-notebook14:~$ sudo appstreamcli install
> org.kde.choqok.desktop
> [...]
> done :-)

appstreamcli is installed and working. 

appstreamcli s choqok
Unable to find component matching choqok!

Perhaps I need to add other places to look?

appstreamcli status
AppStream Status:
Version: 0.12.5

Distribution metadata:
  - XML:  1
  - No icons.

  - YAML: 3
  - Iconsets:

  - XML:  0
  - No icons.

Metainfo files:
  - Found 49 components.
  - Found 5 components in legacy paths.

We have information on 2269 software components.

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