On 2022-01-30 at 23:01, Mike Kupfer wrote:

> The Wanderer wrote:
>> In my case, I started with the last Debian package version before the
>> removal, imported the source package into git, dropped the debian/
>> directory because that doesn't belong in the upstream codebase, ran the
>> '2to3' tool (from the package of the same name) against the codebase,
>> committed the result, and started doing "build" / run tests of the
>> updated code (including comparisons back and forth with the untouched
>> Python 2 version of the codebase).
> FWIW, here are my notes from converting a couple small private scripts:
>   * Note that 2to3 does not change the shebang line. And the actual
>     command in Debian10 [and 11] is 2to3-2.7.

This is in the 'python2.7' package. However, there is also a package
named '2to3', which contains a command by the same name.

I cannot actually remember which of the two I used.

>   * Run pylint before running 2to3, and address non-cosmetic issues. Then
>     run pylint3 after the conversion.

I don't think I did either of these things. I will have to follow up
with the latter, to make sure things are as clean as I can arrange for
them to be.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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