On 2022-01-30 at 23:49, Russell L. Harris wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 30, 2022 at 10:36:57PM -0500, The Wanderer wrote:
> I discovered dictfmt and dictunformat, which seem to be applicable.
> But I do not know where in Debian (Debian 9) to look for the
> moby-thesaurus file.

If you still have access to a repository that contains it (that is, if
'apt-cache policy dict-moby-thesaurus' reports a remote location, not
just /var/lib/dpkg/status), then you can download the source package
with the command:

apt-get source dict-moby-thesaurus

(although you'll want to make sure you're in an appropriate empty
directory before running the command, just to keep things clean).

Note also that a brief examination of the binary package doesn't seem to
show any indication of a Python connection at all, much less
specifically a Python 2 one, so I'm not sure what it is that will need
to be changed here.

If you don't still have access to such a repository, then you'll need to
look under snapshot.debian.org, and find the source package there.

The main page will be


and the version-specific page for the latest version appears to be


; at a glance, it looks like turning these files into a form that you
can work with may wind up requiring more Debian-specific knowledge than
the other approach would, but I can't confirm offhand that that is the

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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