On Fri Mar 4 11:30:12 2022 Christian Britz <cbr...@t-online.de> wrote:

> On 2022-03-04 18:30 UTC+0100, Charlie Gibbs wrote:
>  Find another mail host.
> And you could find a mail client which correctly replies to messages.
> ;-)

Actually, I'm not reading this list with a mail client at all;
I read its Usenet echo with slrn.  I don't post here that
often, and I'd rather not have the list flooding my mailbox.
I admit that it makes my responses somewhat disjointed, though.

Yours for a Google-free world...

/~\  Charlie Gibbs                  |  "Some of you may die,
\ /  <cgibbs@kltpzyxm.invalid>      |  but it's a sacrifice
 X   I'm really at ac.dekanfrus     |  I'm willing to make."
/ \  if you read it the right way.  |    -- Lord Farquaad (Shrek)

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