Johann Klammer wrote:
> xserver-xorg-video-intel
> update that one. if that doesn't help, 

  already at the most current version in unstable.  i can
reinstall it without any problem.  all done.

> try 
> xserver-xorg-video-fbdev

  same as above.

> and as alast try
> xserver-xorg-video-vesa

  same as above.

> (you may have to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and possibly mess with kernel 
> modesetting, initrd and bootime parameters to get an acceptable resolution)
> you'll lose all `acceleration' as usual.
> but it might run more stable.
> no internet or video but ok for text processing(mcedit/pico/nano/vim but not 
> openoffice)

  it hasn't been terribly unstable, just a once in a while hard
lock up.  i'd like to figure out which part is the problem and
not wonder which it might be.

  one reason i run testing is to find issues before they go into
stable.  unfortunately, i'm not as well versed in this sort of
debugging as i'd like to be so i get to learn some new things.  :)

  if i have to get source code and compile it locally with certain
flags for debugging or whatever that is ok with me just so long
as it gets me further along in figuring out what this specific
problem is and what chunk of code it is coming from.


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