Jörg-Volker Peetz wrote:
>songbird wrote:
>>    i did install the dummy package and uninstalled the intel
>> but that did not leave me with a system that booted to the
>> desktop so i put it back.
> Did you take a look into `dmesg -l err` and `Xorg.log` in this case?

  no, i didn't, too hard for me to see or sit to squint at the 
screen to be able to read.  the login prompt and screen fonts
are so small that i type it all in by memory and can usually 
get it right.  i used to have it set up where all the terminal 
fonts would come up with a big enough font that i'd not have 
that problem, but i've not been dealing much with the raw 
terminal screens enough to do it on this system yet.


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